At the risk of sounding weak, today was the first and shortest day of the venture and I'm alrady in pain. Unfortunately Dale (of Dale's Pale Ale fame) was unable to join us, but it was bittersweet because Jeremy completed the Oskar Blues trilogy, joining Chad and Dave on Team O.B. (on a 1x9 bike!) Adam, Ted, Caitlyn, and Orli would hold the reins for the Avery team. We departed from Avery Brewing this morning and took off out of Boulder on Hwy 93 to Golden, where we would encounter Lookout Mountain, AKA Arlo's Cruel Mistress.
Adam Avery and Chad Melis ride Lookout with Coors in the background
Last year on Lookout we saw some longboarder skate kids at the summit, and it seemed a bit insane and ridiculous but we didn't actually get to see them go. This year, however, 8 of them went flying by easily hitting 40 mph--it was crazy enough that it gave me a stomach ache, but at the same time completely took my mind off the climb. Uneventful would describe the next hour or so, but then, as always, comic relief would come from none other than Ska Barroom hero, Arlo Grammatica. His shorts blew out and he rode out the remainder of the day winking at everyone through his drawers, which was interesting because it was the only part of the day that I somehow got stuck behind him. Oh--Check the photo.

Once again, the beautiful part of the ride, aside from the Colorado mountains, was the array of beers waiting for us in Idaho Springs. We rode straight to the Tommyknocker Brewery and enjoyed some delicious Pick Axe Pale Ale, compliments of Steve Indrehus. Thanks Steve! And of course I am now reaping the benfits of riding with brewers 3 of Colorado's best breweries; a plethora of Ska Mexican Logger, Avery White Rascal, and Dale's Pale Ale. Tough job, but if I didn't do it, who would?
Tomorrow it's Loveland Pass to Breckenridge and the Breck Brewery to see our good friend Tebo. Prepare yourself, Dude.
Stats: Mechanicals--3 flats (Arlo doubled down with 2 blowouts, a tire and his shorts)